Here we are already into the 3rd week in January 2013. I can't quite believe how time has flown by. It only seems a very short time ago since I was planning a 2 day ride across Scotland. Given that went well and didn't put me off cycling forever, what have I got planned for this year? So far two voyages into the unknown.
1-Day, 200 miles
The eagle eyed among you will notice there's a link to a new page on the blog at the moment. My major focus this year for cycling will be an attempt at 200 miles in one day. And being me, not any 200 miles. Either click the links elsewhere on this page or alternatively use this link; 200 miles.A Sportive
As odd as it may sound I'm more worried about this than the 200 mile challenge above. The thought of cycling along with many more cyclists doing the same route on the same day fills me with a little apprehension. I think it will be tough going from a solo-rambler to being on a route where people may consider themselves to be racing. I won't. Speed, at least in comparison to the speed of others, is not really my bag.
But it's all set up and I have entered this event; the Buchaille Mhor/Beag Sportive
The other things that worry me slightly about this event are the roads it's being run on. They are all pretty much busy trunk roads. So we'll see how that goes.
I'm not alone this time; one of my colleagues is riding it too and another pair of cyclists he knows. So we may team up and blast away at it.
The year so far
Training is well under-way again although the main brunt of it has been either on spin bikes in the gym or on the turbo trainer in the garage. I have discovered the wonder of Sufferfest videos as an addition to the training regime. They are insanely motivational and surprisingly fun. Check them out if you have trouble with getting going on a turbo or spin bike. I'm also going to try one from 3 legs cycling who have Mark Cavendish in some of their videos. I'll let you know how those go.
The other thing I have done this year is give my bike a service. Pretty much all of it got taken apart and put back together again which resulted in me missing a lovely weekend for cycling. But it needed done and I thought is was easier to do it while I was replacing the chain.
Hence the only road ride I've done this year is this one; a lovely night ride to give the bike a shakedown and the opportunity to find out if I'd put it back together properly. So far so good!