Monday, December 24, 2012

A hard truth

There is such a thing as too much data. This was brought home to me a few days ago when my obsession with data and numbers rose to bite me in the rear.

For those not in the know here's a little catch up. In early September I decided it would be nice to get the road bike's lifetime road mileage up to 5000 miles before 2013. And looking at the data that meant riding another 1000 miles before the end of the year. Correspondingly I set my target, worked out what I needed to do and got on with it. Then, just as I was getting close to completing the task, I decided to check out all my road rides on said bike. To find, to my horror, that some of my early turbo sessions and other stationary trainer work had got mixed up in my road miles. To the extent that I was going to be 100 miles short when I passed my 1000 miles. Not a fun moment, that one.

That explains why, on Christmas Eve, I was up at 6 a.m. getting ready to go out on the road. And after a weekend of wind and driving rain I wasn't exactly looking forward to the puddles but I was determined to sneak in a ride while it was dry and relatively wind free. Apart from having to change my route when I saw the Road Closed sign at the end of my return leg (on the way out, luckily) I got the miles I wanted in for this morning. The roads I travelled were relatively dry, which is more than I can say for the fields on either side. North East Fife has taken a soaking over the last month or so. It's damper than my chest strap at a spin class!

Now I have 59 miles left and a few days in which do them. Wit ha few days off between Christmas and New Year I'm hopeful I can find a weather window (or two) where it is not too bad and I can knock these miles down. Please keep your fingers crossed for me (and the weather....).

Have a Merry Christmas!

The Ride

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