On Saturday I didn't help myself as I decided to go down a little loop I hadn't done before. Bad move. Muddy roads and a whole pile of dog walkers' cars meant I had a slow and frustrating mile or so. The hill that came after (the reason for the new loop) was steep and long but thankfully free of traffic and mud so it wasn't too bad. Maybe I'm just getting better at hills.
Sadly it all added up to a bike that looked like this at the end.
The picture above was the aftermath of a ride from a couple of weeks ago after which I fitted mudguards. And while they keep me relatively free of mud and water I can't say the same for the bike. It still looked like this on Saturday. But at least it is clean now.
The ride
Road User of the Day
This entry wouldn't be complete without mention of some of the most considerate driving I've been lucky enough to witness. I was coming down into Ceres from Cupar and the white van behind me followed me all the way through the village, only overtaking me on the way out when it was really safe to do so. So many thanks to the driver of the van for A G Thaw, joiner.
Idiot Road User of the Day
I could easily give the reciprocal award to the two drivers overtaking me on the way from Pitscottie to Blebo Craigs but instead I'll give it to the real idiot. Me! Coming up to a junction I completely missed the second car coming from my right. Luckily I was going slowly and had unclipped one foot in preparation to stop. So a quick use of the brakes and all was ok. I guess I probably still gave the driver a fright though. I am truly sorry.
Mud will be bad this year. Lots of farmers struggling to lift tatties, carrots, parsnips etc. Even a few still trying to harvest grain. It has been wet since mid September, so they (we) have no choice.
ReplyDeleteWe'll just have to invent a tractor and trailer that dumps all the mud back in field the minute it looks at some tarmac. :-)
And don't get me started on fallen leaves.