Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Charity Angle

Since announcing and promoting the Lighthouse to Lighthouse ride to more than those closest to me, and my fitness trainer (a whole post on its own), I have been asked one question more than any other; Are you going to do it for charity? The simple answer is yes.
I could easily have left it as a personal challenge but, as fulfilling as that might be, I think the extra responsibility of raising money will help me complete it and also raise funds for a cause I think is most worthy.

Which One?

I'd like to use this post to announce that I'm going to do this ride in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. I have a couple of reasons for picking this particular charity.
  • My father passed away a few years ago from terminal cancer, and I know that help and support for people in this position is critical,
  • and a very good friend of mine does a lot of volunteer work for Macmillan and I would like to add my support.
Expanding on the first point a little I would like to add this. I see a lot in the press and on the web about beating and curing cancer. And a lot of good money goes into that too. But, in my opinion, there will always be people living with cancer and they, their carers and dependants need all the help we can give them. And that's where Macmillan come in.


You can donate any time you like by using the link on the side bar.
Donations given now will help spur me on in my training. If you are reading this post some time after it has been written, please donate because I managed the ride, or you want to give me that final push to achieve it.
Your donations mean a lot to me and even more to Macmillan, so a big thank you to all of you who do.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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