Sunday, June 3, 2012

The last big week

This week's training was different again, which was good. It was the last big mileage week but had an interesting variety of routines to help me keep focus. It almost worked, but not quite as you will see.

Monday 28th May

I had a lot of fun with this one. The workout was supposed to be hard. With an easterly breeze the opportunity was there to do the whole 20 miles using nothing but the big chainring. I also imposed a limit on the biggest sprocket I was allowed to use. I set it at the 21 tooth gear which meant that the chain didn't suffer too much cross-chaining. The ride itself was hard, as evidenced by the heart rate readings but I felt very strong. I have to admit that later in the day I did feel tired. Good training I guess!

Tuesday 29th

All change on Tuesday with a recovery ride. To ensure I wasn't tempted at any point to push it I just rode around the town enjoying the flat roads and trying to avoid the potholes. I did feel relaxed when I finished this.

Wednesday 30th

As a change I only had one gym session this week and this was it. It was also the last time for this set of exercises. I was sorry to see this lot go as I have really enjoyed this set of exercises. All apart from the side planks that is. Planks are my second most hated exercise, with lunges being my least favourite. Give me squats any time.

Thursday 31st

This ride was horrible. Not because of the ride itself but the weather was truly awful. Some of the roads were more like rivers. As a cyclist you are supposed to try and avoid puddles. No chance; there were just streams running down the road. The day was supposed to be hard; well it was both physically and mentally. On the plus side the waterproof jacket definitely works.
The bad side I found out later. The weather has helped cut holes in my tyres and there was so much rain that there was water actually in my wheel rims. When I rotated the rear wheel I could hear it slooshing around. I had to take the tyre of and shake it dry. I'm still not sure I've got it all out.

Friday 1st June

June has arrived. I'm not sure how it managed to sneak up on us but here it is. It seemed such a long way away when I started training last July. I celebrated by taking a day off work so I could get my training miles in.The plan had two easy 60 mile rides for the weekend but I had agreed to play in a team golf competition on the Sunday so something had to give. Work seemed like the obvious option.
I had a lovely ride, traversing north east Fife from north to south. The easterly breeze hurt me a little on the way home but I enjoyed it all. And I felt good. I have noticed over the last few weeks that I appear to have more strength for getting up hills. It's a strange thing because I don't feel that this has been a gradual change; it's like it has just come on now. The oddity of exercise and adaptation I suppose.
A highlight of the ride came when a couple of road traffic policemen decided to see how fast I was going through Cupar by pointing their radar gun at me. As I was going slightly uphill at the time I was in no danger of speeding and the three of us exchanged some banter about it. Luckily they hadn't been operating at the other side of Cupar where the result might have been closer to the speed limit!

Saturday 2nd

Here was the flip side of Friday's ride. Another easy 60 mile ride, this time to Edinburgh. I just never felt good at all. The bike didn't seem right, I didn't seem right and I found it really hard to enjoy the cycling. Having said that, the numbers told a different story. My heart rate was comfortably low, my speed was ok and I wasn't suffering physically other than not feeling quite right. That and having to take "comfort breaks" far too often for my liking.
I finally got going just outside Kelty and managed to enjoy the trip down to the Forth Road Bridge, especially blasting down a hill where I get to race the cars.
Thanks have to go to my lovely Significant Other who provided support in Kinross yet again. I enjoyed the meeting up and was very tempted to throw the bike on the top of the car. I didn't though, so maybe this week's riding was really characterised by a strong mental refusal to give up.

Sunday 3rd

No cycling but a game of golf. I was surprised by not playing too badly and not disgracing myself. Maybe there's hope for me yet on the links. I'm beginning to miss the it which means that this break from the game is probably doing me good. Another plus point for this cycling lark!

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