Saturday, November 5, 2011


... for me. Two bits of todays short run were notable for speed. On the climb up from Dura Den to Strathkinness I managed to beat my best time by 5 seconds! But for that time I did have a lower heart rate than my previous best. I'm hoping this might be a sign of better hill climbing.
Then on the run in from Strahkinness to St. Andrews I managed to keep the bike moving along at just under 25mph for a mile. On not too steep a downslope (i.e. I can get up it easily enough). You might think that's quite good until you look at this

With an average of 25.46mph over 12 hours I think I can fairly say I have a long, long way to go.
Still, it was a nice morning and apart from the cold (2 degrees Celsius in Cupar) it was very pleasant. Not much mud either so I had a good time.

The ride

Road User of the Day

The car driver who took one look at me from about 1/2 a mile away and decided that it would be sensible for him to have lights on too. I must look like a Christmas tree from any distance. As long as I keep safe I'm not complaining.

Idiot Road User of the Day

The car that overtook me in Ceres with parked cars on the other side of the road and then held me up at the junction. Thanks go to the driver behind me at this point who politely waited even after we had both turned off up a side road.

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